IELTS Writing
task 2
IELTS Writing
task 2
Обратите внимание, что для IELTS эссе нет единой структуры, единого шаблона, который принесет вам высокий балл. Как писать и строить эссе, решаете вы. Структуры, которые представлены ниже - лишь один из способов построить эссе: как показывает практика, они крайне полезны тем, кто совсем не умеет писать эссе и не владеет языком виртуозно, шаблон помогает сэкономить время и оставаться в рамках задания.
Обратите внимание, что для IELTS эссе нет единой структуры, единого шаблона, который принесет вам высокий балл. Как писать и строить эссе, решаете вы. Структуры, которые представлены ниже - лишь один из способов построить эссе: как показывает практика, они крайне полезны тем, кто совсем не умеет писать эссе и не владеет языком виртуозно, шаблон помогает сэкономить время и оставаться в рамках задания.
10 Important Parts of Scoring:

  • How well you answer the question/s
  • How strong your position is
  • How well you internally structure and link within your paragraphs
  • How well you structure and link within your overall essay
  • How wide-ranging your vocabulary is
  • How precise your vocabulary is
  • How flexible your grammar is
  • How accurate your grammar is
  • How good your punctuation is
  • How good your spelling is
Итак, мы с вами выделили пять самых распространенных типов эссе:

  1. Opinion essay
  2. Advantages and Disadvantages
  3. Problem & Solution/ Cause & Solution
  4. Discussion essay
  5. Two-part Question
В целом, общая структура всех эссе выглядит так:

  • Introduction - обозначение темы
  • Body paragraphs - раскрытие темы
  • Conclusion - подведение итогов
Теперь разберем структуру каждого из типов эссе.

  1. What is your opinion?
  2. Do you agree or disagree?
  3. ⁠To what extent do you agree or disagree?
  4. What do you think about this?

1. Introduction
  • Paraphrase the topic
  • Thesis statement (state your opinion)
2. Body paragraph 1 - introduce your first argument
  • Topic sentence
  • Supporting sentences (expand your argument)
  • Example or reference
  • Short summary
3. Body paragraph 2 - introduce your second argument
  • Topic sentence
  • Supporting sentences (expand your argument)
  • Example or reference
  • Short summary
4. Conclusion
  • Sum up everything and restate your opinion
❗️Beware of giving an unclear opinion

If you aren't a strong writer, it's safest to take a clear position: either positive or negative.

Advantages/Disadvantages Questions:
  1. What are the advantages?
  2. What are the disadvantages?
  3. What are the advantages and disadvantages?
  4. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
  5. Do the disadvantages outweigh the disadvantages?
  6. What are the benefits?
  7. What are the drawbacks?

Обратите внимание, что обычно в задании спрашивается "What are the advantages and disadvantages?" Преимущества и недостатки во множественном числе, поэтому я рекомендую привести минимум два преимущества и два недостатка.

1. Introduction
  • Paraphrase the topic
  • Thesis statement (state the main advantage and disadvantage)
2. Body paragraph 1 - introduce the advantages
  • Topic sentence (state the first advantage as a major point)
  • Supporting sentences (explain this advantage)
  • Example or reference
  • State the second advantage as a minor point
  • Supporting sentences + example if relevant
  • Short summary of the paragraph
3. Body paragraph 2 - introduce the disadvantages
  • Topic sentence (state the first disadvantage as a major point)
  • Supporting sentences (explain this disadvantage)
  • Example or reference
  • State the second disadvantage as a minor point
  • Supporting sentences + example if relevant
  • Short summary of the paragraph
4. Conclusion
  • Sum up everything and restate your thesis from the introduction

Что значит фраза: "State the first advantage/disadvantage as a major point"
Начинайте абзац с более сильного аргумента, второй аргумент может быть менее сильным, присоедините его к предыдущему с помощью слов-связок: another advantage of it is..../ furthermore / in addition / besides that / moreover

Помните, что задание "What are the advantages and disadvantages?" не спрашивает вашего мнения.
А формулировка "Do the advantages outweigh disadvantages?" спрашивает ваше мнение: как вы считаете плюсы перевешивают минусы?
Не забудьте выразить мнение, чтобы не получить низкие баллы в части
Task response. В случае подобной формулировки, в Body paragraph 1 распишите позитивные стороны вопроса, в body paragraph 2 - негативные и затем выразите мнение в одном из абзацев, который подтверждает ваше мнение.

Problems and solutions. Causes and effects
  1. What are the problems?
  2. What are the solutions?
  3. What are the causes?
  4. What can be done to minimise this?
  5. How can this be rectified?
  6. How might this be solved?

Также, как и в предыдущем типе эссе, здесь используется множественное число: "What problems are associated with it? What solutions can vou suggest?", поэтому рекомендую продумать две проблемы и два решения к подобному эссе.

1. Introduction
  • Paraphrase Question
  • Thesis statement
2. Body paragraph 1 - introduce the problems
  • Topic sentence (state the first problem)
  • Supporting sentences (explain the problem)
  • Example or reference
  • State the second problem
  • Supporting sentences + example if relevant
  • Short summary of the paragraph
3. Body paragraph 2 - introduce the solutions
  • Topic sentence (state the first solution)
  • Supporting sentences (expand this solution)
  • Example or reference
  • State the second solution
  • Supporting sentences + example if relevant
  • Short summary of the paragraph
  • Sum up everything and restate your thesis from the introduction

1.⁠ ⁠Discuss both points of view and give your opinion (с мнением)
2.⁠ ⁠Discuss both points of view (без мнения)

  • Discuss both sides of the argument

Discussion essay может быть двух разных типов: с мнением и без мнения.
  • Если вопрос выглядит примерно так: Discuss both views - значит в данном эссе нужно только обсудить обе точки зрения, но не выражать свое мнение.
  • А если вопрос выглядит так: Discuss both views and give your opinion - B таком случае мнение обязательно нужно обозначить. Выразите его сразу во вступлении и еще раз подтвердите в одном из абзацев, в котором viewpoint соответствует вашему мнению.

1. Introduction
  • Paraphrase the question and present both viewpoints
  • Thesis statement (state your thesis and opinion if it is asked)
2. Body paragraph 1 - introduce the first viewpoint
  • Topic sentence
  • Supporting sentences (explain this view)
  • Example or reference
  • Short summary of the paragraph
3. Body paragraph 2 - introduce the second viewpoint
  • Topic sentence
  • Supporting sentences (expand this view)
  • Example or reference
  • Short summary of the paragraph
  • Sum up everything and restate your thesis from the introduction with opinion if it is relevant

Обычно в таких типах эссе идет утверждение, а за ним прямые вопросы.

Пример такого типа эссе:
In education and employment, some people work harder than others. Why do some people work harder? Is it always a good thing to work hard?

1. Introduction
  • Paraphrase the topic
  • Outline the topic (present both questions)
2. Body paragraph 1 - answer the first question
  • Topic sentence - direct answer
  • Supporting sentences (explain your answer)
  • Example or reference
  • Short summary of the paragraph
3. Body paragraph 2 - answer the second question
  • Topic sentence - direct answer
  • Supporting sentences (explain your answer)
  • Example or reference
  • Short summary of the paragraph
Sum up everything

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

In spite of the many advances, women have made in education and employment, they continue to be at a disadvantage when it comes to pay and promotion. In your view, what should be done to promote equality of opportunity for men and women in the workplace?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.
In many parts of the world, there is now greater equality between working men and women.Nevertheless, women still tend to earn less and enjoy fewer promotions than men (description of the situation and problem). Some would argue that this situation will correct itself over time (an opposing opinion).

One possible approach would be (one possible but not ideal solution) for governments to force employers to promote the same numbers of men and women and to pay them the same salaries. This would certainly tackle the problem quickly (an advantage of this solution). However, measures like this would probably be seen as excessive and difficult to enforce. (a disadvantage of this solution).

A more feasible approach would be for governments themselves to take the lead by ensuring that their male and female employees earn the same for equivalent work and that women are promoted fairly (a better solution). This would help to establish gender equality as a norm and set a good example for companies in the private sector (an advantage of this solution). Countries, such as Sweden and Iceland, which have done this are often regarded by others as socially-advanced models (an example).
To further encourage equality, companies could be required to publish figures on the rank and average earnings of men and women in their workforce (another solution). Evidence of large inequalities would create a bad impression. In order to avoid bad publicity, companies might consider it worthwhile to pay fairer wages and promote more women to management positions (advantage of this solution).

It is true that the problem of gender inequality in the workplace will probably not be solved quickly (an acknowledgement that there are difficulties). However, that is not a reason to avoid taking action (restatement of your opinion). Governments can encourage change by Restatement of your opinion showing the way forward and taking advantage of the need for companies to present themselves as fair and reasonable (summary of your main points).

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Convenience foods will become increasingly prevalent and eventually replace traditional foods and traditional methods of food preparation. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.
One of the most significant advances in civilisation is the development of modern methods of food production and preparation. Convenience foods have now become the norm in many societies. Although some people idealise traditional cooking practices and believe they will prevail indefinitely, demographic trends suggest that this is unlikely to be the case. In fact, there are a number of reasons for believing that convenience foods are likely to grow in popularity.

The first reason is the decline in family size and the increase in single-adult households. In more traditional societies, where families tended to be large, it made economic sense for one person to devote himself / herself to time-consuming domestic tasks such as growing and preparing food. Nowadays, people tend to live in ever smaller family units. If each family were to spend large amounts of time growing and processing food, this would be a poor use of society's human resource.

Another reason convenience foods are likely to become more popular is the increase in the number of adults, especially women with children, who work in full-time employment. In the UK, for example, working mothers significantly-outnumber stay-at-home mothers. There is evidence that consumption of convenience foods rises with numbers of hours worked. As modern life increasingly demands that people are economically active, this trend is likely to continue.

Although many people still value traditional foods and methods of cooking, the trend towards smaller, dual-income households suggests that convenience foods are likely to continue to grow in popularity and may very well eventually replace traditional methods of food production and preparation.
Although some people idealise traditional cooking practices and believe they will prevail indefinitely - By acknowledging there is another point of view, the writer indicates that she has 'tested' her idea.

reasons - The writer structures her essay around reasons for her opinion. Notice how the word reason appears at the start of each body paragraph.

In the UK, for example, working mothers significantly-outnumber stay-at-home mothers. - Examples to illustrate and support the argument are also.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Success in formal 'pen and paper' examinations is often seen to be a sign of intelligence. To what extent do you agree with the view that formal examinations measure intelligence?

Write at least 250 words.
Measuring intelligence is a difficult task.

Body paragraph 1:
Idea in the question: Exams measure intelligence
Evidence for: people who do well in exams often do well in other types of tasks, e.g. assignments.
Evidence against: pen & paper exams are often predictable - students can prepare by rote learning, there are many ways of cheating in exams; people often perform poorly in examinations because they are anxious, not because they lack intelligence.

Body paragraph 2:
Other possible idea: there are probably different types of intelligence, which can only be measured in different ways
Evidence against: there is probably no definitive proof of whether there is one kind of intelligence or several kinds of intelligence.
Evidence for: Some people are better at expressing intelligence in different ways, e.g. by speaking or carrying out a task; many people who did poorly in exams, are successful in fields that require intelligence, e.g. technology, business

'pen and paper' exams probably useful for measuring certain kinds of intelligence, but have limitations; other methods are needed.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

The importance of biodiversity is being more widely recognised as increasing numbers of species come under threat. What can be done to maintain biodiversity?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.
In recent years there has been growing awareness of the importance of preserving the world's biological diversity. As increasing numbers of unique, and potentially useful, plants and animals come under threat, people are beginning to ask whether more can be done to reverse this trend.

One possible approach is to regulate agricultural and industrial activity so that pollution and disruption to natural habitats is kept to a minimum. People argue that economic prosperity must be curtailed if it comes at the expense of the environment.

However, businesses affected are unlikely to comply with such a strategy. It may even generate hostility to conservation efforts generally if the economic costs are perceived to be too high.

An alternative approach would be to protect and expand nature reserves so that complete ecosystems can be kept intact. This would ensure that a minimum number of wild plants and animals would survive. However, although such places are indeed valuable, experience shows that it is difficult to protect rare plants and animals from exploitation. In fact, as some species, like the tiger, become rarer, the more valuable they become to poachers and others who seek to benefit from their trade.

A more effective approach is to educate the public about the-benefits of biodiversity. Money should be invested in the research and development of the world's biological resources. Once people understand that there are real benefits to exploiting natural resources in a sustainable way, they are more likely to make the short-term sacrifices necessary to preserve natural habitats.
increasing numbers - This is a more academic way of saying more and more.

come under threat - This is a less emotive and therefore more academic way of saying are destroyed.

people - The writer presents this idea impersonally by making people rather than / the subject of the sentence.

One possible approach is - The writer begins with his least favoured option.

it is - Notice that the writer does not use the contracted form it's.

A more effective approach is to educate the public about the-benefits of biodiversity. - The writer concludes with his preferred option. This makes the essay feel finished. Notice how the writer avoids using / and keeps his sentences short and simple.
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